R.A.W, R.A.W, R.A.W
I just don't know what to do. I recently caught my younger son having sex. I knew that he would be curious real soon and was talking to my husband the other day about having THE TALK with him. However, I had no idea that it would be like this. I am devastated. I caught my son having sex with another boy from our neighborhood! I just don't know what to do. I want to say that' s it' s okay but not my baby. What do you do in a situation like this?
Bi-Curiously Confused
Wow Bi-Curiously Confused
This day in age is really taking a toll on our children. They are way more advanced than we were when we were growing up and are experiencing a lot more nowadays. Tell you what you do. You love your son no matter what. You better embrace him and help him through this. I bet it's harder for him than it could ever be for you right now. It may just be his curiosity that is making him try different things in life. Or this is something that he may continue to do. Regardless you make sure that you don't make it harder for him. Notice I said harder. He will face enough prejudice in this world and he sure don't need it at home. Love him...hold him...try to understand.
Bye Bye Now~

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bi-Curiously Confused
Posted by
11:19 AM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Can you pay my bill bills bills?
Okay I am at a lost of words. I have been dating this guy the last 3yrs and I am tired of carrying all of the weight in this relationship. No he is not a thug or a bum and he keeps a good job. It's just that I pay majority of the bills in the house. I work part time and still try to maintain a lil money just to have and he just "give's what he can". While I see him spending money other places. I know that he means well but I don't feel like you can live life forever just giving what you can. Bills have to get paid and other things need to be maintained and I carry most of the weight. My heart tells me to stay with him because of what a good man he is and my life keeps reminding me that its takes more than that to keep on living. I'm getting fed up the more I try to explain why I feel this way. Now I'm ready to leave.
Wow Can you pay my bills bills bills
I have been in that situation b4. Its hard to deal with I know but you have to realize why you and that man have been together for the last 3yrs and see where you really want to be for the next 3yrs. You have an option to keep staying with him and receive what he gives you and never feel that its enough. Or you have an option to leave him alone and let him deal with the way you are dealing with the world. Let him see how it feels to pay all the bills. If he was in his own place he could not just give his landlord "what he cans". Well maybe he can but how long will that wear out??
Bye Bye Now~
Posted by
6:31 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Getting Fed up
I am with this guy that totally has no potential outside of the streets. We have been together for 6yrs and I love him with all my heart. The thing is...I am starting to feel stuck. I have my Master's and I'm headed toward tremendous success is my career and he is headed for jail. I love my man don't get me wrong but we don't see eye to eye any more. We are going different directions in our life and I want more for us. I want him to get a job or go back to school. And he wants rims and t.v.'s????? What do I do in this situation???? I want to be with him but need him to see that it is more to life than what he is after.
Tell me something please.
What's up Getting Fed up
It seems to me that you are just growing up and there is nothing wrong with that at all. You have to let your man know where you stand in the relationship. Let him know exactly what you want. Don't expect his ass to read your mind. Men are just not good at that. Tell him where you see yourself in the next five yrs and where you see yourself with him in the next five yrs because it may be without him!!
Bye Bye Now!!
Posted by
8:02 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Men are stupid!!!
Ok here is my drama, Some Men are stupid.. and for some reason i always end up with the stupid ones. I was talking to this guy and i later found out he had a fling with a new friend of mines. Now usually this would be the end of my question, but somewhere down the line i realized DAMN I LIKE DUDE.... 9 months later of drama and possible lies we are no longer talking and yet i still talk to the girl. She played her part in the Drama because the whole time me and him talked she claimed him to be her boyfriend ( But she never mentioned his name, pointed him out or anything, she just would say her "Boyfriend") And she would tell my close friend there business, she even said that she was pregnant... But that ended up being a lie... My question is do you think i should discontinue my fake friendship with both of them? or delete him out of the situation and continue kicking it with Ol' Girl?? help me out and keep it RAW!!!
peace and love,
Hey Men are stupid!!
First of all neither one of them can be trusted! You never stated as to why you and the guy stopped talking but I noticed that you did like the dude. Second of all if the chick was really your friend then you would have never started to date the guy in the first place. So basically fuck both of them. Fuck him because if he started to talk to you and didn't know the depth of you and the girls friendship...the what would it matter to him to do it again? Maybe the next time with a closer friend. And fuck that bitch too because she is full of lies! She not only betrayed you but she tried to use your friends to deliver information to you that as a "friend" she could not tell you herself. Which in all were lies. That not only judges her character, but it also questions the fact if they were ever dating in the first place!! Maybe the bitch lied about that too!! If the guy is worth it then maybe you should try to see of they ever dated for real or not. And keep me posted!!!
Bye Bye now!!
Posted by
10:48 PM