Let me tell you what's going on with me. Me an my guy have been together for 5yrs. I love him sooo much. I have to admit that I cheated on him and I don't regret it. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but I actually didn't do it out of spite. Long story short...My sister told him EVERYTHING!!!! I mean everything. That bitch told him things she say she felt "he needed to know". Needless to say we are not talking and she had the nerve to invite us over for dinner. Yes I said "us" cuz we are still together.
Blood or Mud...What's thicker??
Well Blood or Mud....What's Thicker???
Girl you got an issue on your hands. I would have slapped some damn sense into my sister. She needs to get a grip on whats more important to her. You or YOUR MAN. And Sweetie you need to get to the bottom of the real reason she confessed to some shit that had nothing to do with her. She is S.C.A.N.D.O.L.O.U.S. I know you 2 are not talking but you need to. Hell don't you think you have some questions to ask?? For instance "WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING??" And while you're at it make sure she don't have a craving for mud.
Bye Bye Now

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Friday, October 03, 2008
Blood or Mud...What's Thicker???
Posted by
11:01 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
X-no Y Chromozones
If I ever needed advice I need some now. I have been with this guy for the last 2 yrs and we have a beautiful daughter. Well at least he thinks so. Truth is It's my daughter. I slept with sooo many men when we first got together I just don't know who my child's father could be. Of course I never mentioned it to him and was going to take him to the Maury show. I figured I could then find out who really is. He always want to see more and more family pictures since my genes stand out on her so well. How do I tell him that My genes are strong because she only has MY genes?
X-no Y Chromosomes
Hey X-No Y chromosomes
I know that this may be something hard for you to do. However if you prolong it more than you have to then it will only get harder. You knew what you were getting yourself into and you should have told that man. Hell your ass probably was already pregnant when you got together. Don't do no dumb shit and take him to Maury. Just tell him flat out...he is.....NOT the father.
Bye Bye Now
If I ever needed advice I need some now. I have been with this guy for the last 2 yrs and we have a beautiful daughter. Well at least he thinks so. Truth is It's my daughter. I slept with sooo many men when we first got together I just don't know who my child's father could be. Of course I never mentioned it to him and was going to take him to the Maury show. I figured I could then find out who really is. He always want to see more and more family pictures since my genes stand out on her so well. How do I tell him that My genes are strong because she only has MY genes?
X-no Y Chromosomes
Hey X-No Y chromosomes
I know that this may be something hard for you to do. However if you prolong it more than you have to then it will only get harder. You knew what you were getting yourself into and you should have told that man. Hell your ass probably was already pregnant when you got together. Don't do no dumb shit and take him to Maury. Just tell him flat out...he is.....NOT the father.
Bye Bye Now
Posted by
4:01 PM
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