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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What should I do?

So I'm at school and this girl comes up to me and tell me that this guy we go to school with hit her on the ass and she felt uncomfortable.  Then she tells me that he has done the shit 3 times already! What?!?!?! I told her if it was a bitch like me he would have been slapped his ass by now.  So instead of telling him to leave her alone this bitch called the police and told them I knew everything. Now they are asking me questions and I don't know shit about it!! I'm pissed!!!
Hey Pissed,
I can feel your pain and this is a fucked up situation.  The only thing that you can do is tell the police that you don't know shit!  Tell them she told he did it and he told you he didn't.  Then cuss that bitch out for getting you involved!
Bye Bye Now

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